Cross-Country Migration Analysis at IMISCOE 2024

2024 July 12

From July 2-4, 2024, the IMISCOE network—Europe’s largest interdisciplinary research association in the field of migration, integration, and social cohesion—held its annual conference online. The event attracted researchers worldwide to discuss how migration can shape societies across different scales, with a special focus on cross-country comparisons.

PREMIUM_EU at IMISCOE: Comparing Mobility Across Europe

The PREMIUM_EU project was represented by Osama Damoun, Andreu Domingo, and their colleagues from Austria, Denmark, and the Netherlands. They presented their study titled Importance of National and International Mobility for Population Turnover at the Regional Level in the European Union. This comparative study expanded on earlier findings presented at the PAA meeting, using a similar methodology to analyze population turnover and vulnerability in Spain, Austria, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

Insights into Regional Mobility Trends

The study revealed varying regional migration patterns across Europe, with Spain and Austria showing similar convergence trends conditional on vulnerability. Denmark’s results were based on municipal-level data, which added a new dimension to the analysis. In the Netherlands, however, the trends were more nuanced, necessitating further research into internal migration dynamics.

Future Research Directions

The session at IMISCOE highlighted the challenges of conducting cross-country comparisons, particularly around geographic scale and data harmonization. Moving forward, PREMIUM_EU plans to continue refining its methodology to ensure that the results are both robust and applicable across different contexts, thereby enhancing our understanding of how migration can serve as a driver of regional development across Europe.